Créer une activité
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1 . ( Joe , Scott , and Bob ) The waiter brought out three plates of food for ____________________ .
2 . ( My Aunt Jane ) My brother and I wrote thank you letters to ____________________ .
3 . ( Nick and I ) The science teacher gave a bottle rocket to ____________________ .
4 . ( The neighbor's car ) The mechanic from the garage went to work on ____________________ .
5 . ( Jenny and Fatima ) My parents bought $25 gift certificates for ____________________ .
6 . ( The little old lady ) I carried in the bags of groceries to help ____________________ .
7 . ( Adam's grandfather ) Adam carefully painted a special portrait of ____________________ .
8 . ( The blue notebook ) Samantha quickly wrote down all her notes in ____________________ .
9 . ( The pens and pencils ) I bought a new zippered pouch at the store for ____________________ .
10 . ( Your Uncle Peter ) Sally expertly danced her tap dance routine for ____________________ .
11 . ( The Andersons ) We got a letter in our mailbox that belongs to ____________________ .
12 . ( Amanda Sanderson ) Andrew went shopping and bought a ring for ____________________ .
13 . ( The boy wearing red ) The soccer goalie kicked the soccer ball to ____________________ .
14 . ( The small girl ) The waitress handed the ice cream cone to ____________________ .
15 . ( Your parents ) You couldn't wait to show report card to ____________________ .
16 . ( The green apple ) The kitchen store sells a special tool to cut ____________________ .
17 . ( The sweet oranges ) I learned to make a delicious recipe that uses ____________________ .
18 . ( Sally and Jeff ) Before we go to the movies , I should call ____________________ .
19 . ( You and I ) Peter and Jason will cook dinner tonight for ____________________ .
20 . ( Timothy Johnson ) Sylvia put on an apron and baked cookies for ____________________ .
21 . ( The city of Tokyo ) We looked everywhere on the map for ____________________ .
22 . ( Melanie and Susan ) A package from the book store arrived for ____________________ .
23 . ( My friend , Susannah ) I think she knows the answer , so I will go ask ____________________ .
24 . ( Your parents and I ) All of the neighbors threw a surprise party for ____________________ .
25 . ( Our cousin Kenny ) Aunt Alexia mailed a suitcase to our house for ____________________ .