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1. put this indirect questions in the correct order
the CCould Cgame Ctell Cwhat Cme Cis Ctime Cyou? C
2. put this indirect questions in the correct order
you DDo Dlives Dwhere Dshe Dremember? D
3. put this indirect questions in the correct order
you Dyou DDo Dwhen Dleft Dme Dtell Dyou Dthink Dcould? D
4. put this indirect questions in the correct order
how Dproblem Dsolved Dyou Dtell Dhave DDo Dyou Dme Dthe Dcould Dthink Dyou? D
5. put this indirect questions in the correct order
he Cis Cif Cyou Cme CCan CSpanish Ctell? C
6. put this indirect questions in the correct order
Lizzie Cice Cme Cyou Clikes Ccream Ctell Cif CCan? C
7. put this indirect questions in the correct order
is Dlater Dif Dgoing Dto DDo Dyou Dknow Drain? D
8. put this indirect questions in the correct order
he Dyou Dknow DDo Dlast Dnight Dwent Dif Dout? D
9. put this indirect questions in the correct order
you Dyou Dremember Dstudy DChinese Dwhere DDo? D
10. put this indirect questions in the correct order
is Cfilm Cme Ctell Chow Cyou CCould Cthe? C
11. put this indirect questions in the correct order
met Dyou Dthink Dyou Dwhen DDo Dyou? D
12. put this indirect questions in the correct order
tell Cthe Cme Cclass Cis Ctime Cwhat Cyou CCould? C