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Jouer Relier Colonnes

Search and Destroy

Domino Theory

Geneva Accords


Agent Orange

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

My Lai Massacre

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Ngo Dinh Diem

Kent State Protest

Ho Chi Minh

War of Attrition

Guerrilla Warfare

American ships were attacked by North Vietnamese vessels

a jelly-like form of gasoline used in fire bombs and flamethrowers. It's sticks to skin, causing severe burns and making it one of the most horrible weapons used in combat.

International conference after the Indochina War, split Vietnam in two

Event where American soldiers destroyed a village and killed over 300 unarmed civilians

President Johnson was given resources to take all military action necessary.

US goal in Vietnam. Destroy as much of the enemy as possible

Small scale fighting, using environment to conceal ones self, run and gun

Leader of communist North Vietnam

A war in which both sides try and drain one another's resources.

Students were killed by the Ohio national guard

President of South Vietnam was assassinated in 1963

Herbicide used to uncover Viet cong positions

If one falls, another falls