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I ____________________ up the money and put it in my ____________________ and went into my of ? ce . I thought about it for a long while and then I ____________________ out of the of ? ce and went to the local police precinct to hand the ____________________ in . I doubt whether the person who ____________________ the money ? about 5 , 000 dollars in total ? would have ____________________ it had gone , much less have gone to the cops to report it missing , but if I hadn ? t given it in , I couldn ? t have lived with myself . The good news is that the cops told me that if it isn ? t ____________________ in six months , I can keep the ____________________ !
I decided to keep quiet . I ? gured that it was none of my ____________________ . My friend ? s boyfriend may just have been carried away by the ____________________ . I do want to be ____________________ with my best friend but I don ? t want to be the reason they ____________________ up .
Ed went back to the restaurant the next day and paid the ____________________ . The restaurant owner was so ____________________ ; he gave us some ____________________ for a free main ____________________ when we next go to the restaurant .