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Our teacher asked a ____________________ , but I didn't know the ____________________ .
My parents ____________________ in ____________________ .
The police man ____________________ the ____________________ .
Prices ____________________ to rise month after ____________________ .
You have to ____________________ what to do ____________________ .
We're as ____________________ as night ____________________ day .
Nothing is ____________________ to a man who ____________________ .
Four plus ____________________ equals ____________________ .
There isn't ____________________ wind to ____________________ a kite .
My ____________________ food is ____________________ .
Our building ____________________ saw a ____________________ .
The ____________________ is fifty feet in ____________________ .
This pop quiz is so ____________________ ; it can be answered in one ____________________ .
Don't be ____________________ . Don't ____________________ your classmates .
Black is the ____________________ of ____________________ .
She's a very ____________________ child . She does so strange ____________________ .
You have to speak English ____________________ much as ____________________ .
It's a ____________________ past ____________________ .
Stop ____________________ silly ____________________ .
The children ____________________ in ____________________ beds .
Do you have any ____________________ plans for the ____________________ ?
The ____________________ is ____________________ ahead .
____________________ he was ill , he went to ____________________ .
I can ____________________ voices ____________________ the wall .