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The ____________________ , which I ____________________ five years ago , is ____________________ .
I ____________________ my ____________________ job to travel ____________________ the world .
The ____________________ helps ____________________ students who ____________________ to ____________________ .
There is an ____________________ ____________________ with traders and ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ products .
I will ____________________ ____________________ with my work ____________________ my ____________________ .

I urge the ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ of its ____________________ as a matter of ____________________ .
Due to ____________________ problems , we´ll ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ our daily ____________________ .
This ____________________ is a ____________________ ____________________ of information .
The ____________________ ____________________ an ____________________ for a new ____________________ .
____________________ is one ____________________ the many ____________________ of my ____________________ .