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Jouer Relier Colonnes

ROASTING - To cook in an oven, uncovered, at high heat

STEWING - To first brown bite-size pieces of food on the stove, then finish cooking (fully submerged) in flavorful liquid

STIR-FRYING - To cook small pieces of food very quickly, usually in a wok, over the highest heat with a small amount of oil

SWEATING - To cook briefly in a skillet with a small amount of oil; meant to soften food but not brown it

STEAMING - To cook food using the water evaporating from boiling liquid

POACHING - To gently cook in barely simmering liquid

SAUTEING - To quickly cook small pieces of food in a skillet over medium-high heat with a small amount of oil

BROILING - To cook directly under an open heat source

BOILING - To cook in liquid that has reached 212*F with large bubbles breaking on the surface

BAKING - To cook food in the oven, covered or uncovered, at moderate temperature

DEEP FAT-FRYING - To cook food by completely submerging it in hot oil

BLANCHING - To cook briefly in boiling water, then shock in ice water

GRILLING - To cook directly over an open heat source

BRAISING - First brown a large piece of meat on the stove, then finish cooking (partially submerged) in flavorful liquid

PAN-FRYING - To cook in enough hot oil to cover the bottom of the pan, but not totally submerging the food