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1. Current account credits (United States perspective)
2. Current account debits (United States perspective)
3. Financial account credit (United States perspective)
4. Financial account debit (United States perspective)

An American shareholder earns dividends from an investment in a Swiss chocolate company.

A German beer company aquires stock in an American firm.

A British firm hires a United States insurance company.

A migrant farmworker in the United States sends money to his family in Mexico.

A British citizen buys stock in an American corporation.

An American real estate mogul purchases a theme park in Japan.

A Chinese company purchases soybeans from the United States.

The United States makes interest payments on debt owed to China.

An American firm purchases a banana plantation in Honduras.

An airline in Qatar purchases airplanes from the United States.

A Chinese enterprise purchases farmland in the United States.

Investors in the United States purchase corporate bonds from a Spanish firm.

An American company pays dividends to shareholders in other countries.

A Canadian charity organization sends money to residents of New Orleans after a hurricane.

The central bank of China purchases bonds from the United States.

Toyata purchases land to build a factory in Texas.

An American citizen makes payments to a Mexican phone company.

Investors in the United States lend money to Argentina.

An oil worker in Canada sends money to his family in the United States.

An American oil company purchases land in Canada.

Japanese investors lend money to the United States government.

The United States sends foreign aid to a country in Africa.

A French firm sells stock to United States citizens.

An American company purchases semiconductors from Taiwan.