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Which app is best to use to send email?

You have a lot of data (numbers) that you need to organize and turn into charts.

When you write an email using proper grammar, a greeting and a salutation.

A place where you can store files online so you can get to them from anywhere with an Internet connection.

You are applying for a job and need to put together a list of references.

Another student from school has been spreading lies about you on social media and threatening you.

You have a list that you need to add to a Word document. You can easily add and organize the list by adding a ....

You need to create a party sign up list, so what would work the best?

You are asked to prepare a presentation but cannot email the slides; you will open the slides over the internet from the client's site.

You have a large audience and want their live feedback about a question. What could you use so everyone can participate at the same time.

Google Forms

Google Slides

Google Drive






Microsoft Word