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____________________ - A person who leases the property
____________________ - A person who rents the property
____________________ - An agreement that specifies the amount of rent that must be paid and the length of time for which the dwelling may be rented
____________________ A lease enabling the tenant to leave with 30 days ? notice and the landlord to raise the rent or evict the tenant with 30 days ? notice
____________________ - A law that limits how much existing rents can be raised
eviction - The action taken by the landlord removing a tenant from a rental unit
____________________ - An amount of money that is help by the landlord to ensure that the tenant takes care of the apartment
____________________ - the notice given by a landlord ( owner ) to a tenant to leave the premises ( quit ) either by a certain date ( usually 30 days ) or to pay overdue rent or correct some other default  
utilities - electricity , gas , water , heat , phone