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The ____________________ neighborhood was once known for its luxurious mansions and extravagant lifestyle .
The view from the restaurant's terrace was absolutely ____________________ .
The abandoned building was so ____________________ that it gave me the creeps .
The city council has big plans for the ____________________ - and - coming area on the outskirts of town .
The ____________________ ballroom was once a popular venue for concerts and dances .
The ____________________ community was in desperate need of basic resources like clean water and healthcare .
The locals warned us to ____________________ clear of the park after dark due to its high crime rate .
The government decided to ____________________ down the old factory to make way for a new shopping mall .
The new apartment complex will ____________________ thousands of low - income families .
The city's efforts to ____________________ the downtown area have attracted many young professionals and trendy businesses .
The run - ____________________ barbershop had not been updated in decades .
The ____________________ neighborhood was a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city .
The historic castle ____________________ back to the 13th century .