Créer une activité
Jouer Relier Colonnes

Focus on useful models


Brainstorm ideas

Plan de text

Introduce the topic

Select and reject ideas

Sort and order ideas

Prepare final text

Introduce & summarize the main writing task

Prepare draft

Get feedback


Help students to study sample(s) of similar written texts, focusing on content, message, organization, grammar, phrases, etc.

A very good way to overcome 'blank page' terror and get ideas flowing is to 'fast-write'.

Students carefully go through their own text, checking if it says what they want it to, if it is clear, if its language is correct, etc.

Preparing a draft version before the final one gives them the chance to get the reader reactions.

Use notes to start shaping the text. The layout & order of paragraphs. Are there any special rules for the genre?

Get students interested through an advert, article, picture, or discussing some key issues.

Another student can read and make useful comments/suggestions on the content, the message, the organization, or the language.

Whole class: use the board to collect as many ideas as possible. Small groups: speak and take notes.

Based on feedback, students write a finished text.

What is worth leaving out?

Make sure students know what they are expected to do, the genre (magazine article? letter? formal report? etc.), and the audience (who they are writing to and why).

Start to plan structure of text by arranging ideas.