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A black insect that flies and has large eyes.

Some insects clean waste, so the world doesn't become overrun with trash!

Insects are an important food source for: fish, frogs, lizards, birds, bats, spiders and even humans!

A flying insect with a long, thin body and two pairs of transparent wings.

Some insects help to spread seeds, which helps plants to continue growing.

Bees are important to pollination. Without pollination, all kinds of plants, including those that give us food, will not reproduce.

Tan, brown or black-colored insect. The males rub their wings together to make a chirping sound.

A nocturnal insect related to butterflies, with brown and black colors.

A small insect that flies and sucks the blood of animals and people.

An insect with a hard, shell-like back, often brightly-colored.