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It is a line of workers along which a product moves as it put together one sept at a time.

He set up an assembly line.

It is the movement of people from one place to another one.

He developed the steamboat.

Thy used this animal to make tepees, clothing, blankents, arrowheads and needles

They were one of the many Native American groups in what is now The Midwest.

He opened one of the largest stockyards in the Midwest region.

She started a manufacturating company in Idianapolis, Indiana, that made beauty products.

It is a state of the Midwest

It is a place where a livestock is bought, sold and held before chipment

This was the name of another tribe in the Midwest that belonged to the Sioux tribe

Robert Fulton

North Dakota

Joseph McCoy


The Lakota

Madam C.J Walker


The Sioux Tribe