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Kate , Izzy and Fred are trying to vote for their friend Annabel on Superstars , but they ? re having a few problems . Kate can ? t get ____________________ , Izzy gets ____________________ off and the person Fred is speaking to doesn ? t put him ____________________ .
Sam arrives and asks if they ? ve ____________________ up telemarketing . Izzy gets through but she hears a recorded message telling her to call again later . Sam wants to help but he needs to ____________________ up his phone . Kate shows him where he can ____________________ it in .
Finally , Izzy manages to vote ! They are excited and want to ____________________ on calling . When the phone lines close , Kate tells Izzy to ____________________ the phone down . But when the results are being announced , Kate accidentally switches ____________________ the television !
When they switch it ____________________ they think their friend has won . But then they realise their friend has taken ____________________ a stage name , she hasn ? t won , and they ? ve been voting for the wrong person !