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Jouer Ordonner les Mots
1. Order the sentence using "going to"
the to roof onto going climb is Harry
2. Order the sentence using "going to"
car in going to the wait Bert is
3. Order the sentence using "going to"
throw down rope Harry to going is the
4. Order the sentence using "going to"
Bert catch going the is to rope
5. Order the sentence using "going to"
Harry onto pull Bert the is to going roof
6. Order the sentence using "going to"
the to jump is Harry edge going window onto.
7. Order the sentence using "going to"
to the into office going get Harry is
8. Order the sentence using "going to"
is going the door unlock to Harry.
9. Order the sentence using "going to"
and Bert going the in come open to is safe.
10. Order the sentence using "going to"
is Harry to to carry gold the going car the bars.
11. Order the sentence using "going to"
with is drive home Bert the to going gold.
12. Order the sentence using "going to"
is walk Harry home going to