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Sara ____________________ goes out on Saturday evenings .
Her boyfriend ____________________ picks her up and they drive into the city centre ,
they ____________________ meet friends and have a drink together . In the winter they ____________________ go to the cinema , also they ____________________ go in the summer because they prefer to stay outside but they ____________________ get home before midnight .
I ____________________ go to the cinema on Sunday mornings because it ? s cheaper . I ____________________
go with my friends but ____________________ I go with my parents . I ____________________ take sweets
with me but I buy a drink there . I ____________________ get popcorn because I hate it ! How
____________________ do you go to the cinema ?
1 . My brother is ____________________ sad . He ? s ____________________ happy .
2 . I was late for work only one - time last year . I ? m ____________________ ever late .
3 . Mary failed only one test in high school . She ____________________ ____________________ passed her tests .
4 . I ____________________ remember to do my homework . I ____________________ forget to do it .
5 . Steven ____________________ goes to a cinema . He ____________________ sees movies .
6 . Judy saw a doctor for the first time in three years . She ____________________ gets sick .
7 . I get up at five o ? clock seven days a week . I ____________________ get up early .
8 . It ? s ____________________ hot and sunny where I live . That ? s why I ____________________ see snow .
9 . A : Do you ever drink coffee ? B : Yes , but only ____________________ ____________________ , not ____________________ . Just
a few times a week .
10 . My sister almost ____________________ eats burgers and fries . She ____________________ ____________________ eats healthy foods .
11 . I ____________________ take a bus to class , maybe three or four days a week .
12 . A : Do you ever watch action movies ? B : No , ____________________ . Well , I watched an action
movie a few years ago , so I guess should say ____________________ .