Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
A : ____________________ I'm Jason .

B : My ____________________ is Doma .

A : Nice to meet ____________________ Doma .

B : Good to ____________________ you , too .

A : Excuse ____________________ , I think we've met before , my ____________________ is Mary Johnson .
B : Oh , ____________________ I'm Peter Jetry .

A : Glad to ____________________ you Mr . Jetry .
B : Pleased to meet ____________________ , too Mrs . Johnson .
A : Hello can ____________________ sit here ?
B : Yes .
A : By the way , I'm Robin .
B : Hi , my ____________________ is Jessica .
A : Nice to ____________________ you .
B : Pleased to meet you , ____________________ . And where are ____________________ from Robin ?
A : I'm ____________________ Kathmandu . What about you ?
B : I'm from New York . Oh , this is ____________________ stop , bye Robin .
A : ____________________ , see you .