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I know ____________________ say this all ____________________ time ____________________ I ? ve ____________________ met someone this beautiful inside and out . The most amazing thing is ____________________ every day , I see you more clearly . I love everything about us , and about you . I never imagined that anyone would ever make me feel this way . You have made me the happiest woman in the entire world . You are responsible for some of the most amazing feelings I have ever experienced and being with you has been pure bliss and excitement . I never thought that I ? d meet someone who would be so good for me and want me the way you do .
____________________ make my life ____________________ beautiful . You ____________________ everything I ever wanted and the only man I want to share the rest ____________________ my life with . I cannot imagine what life would look like if I ____________________ you and that ? s not even something I want to think about . You are the love of my life , the light in my world , and I will always love you until the day I draw my last breath . When that day comes , hopefully , you will be right here next to me . I am thankful for the time we ? ve spent together , and can ? t wait to see what the future holds .