Créer jeu
Jouer Relier Colonnes

Eat high on the hog

Variety is the spice of life

Not know beans about

That's the way the cookie crumbles

slice of the pie

There is no such thing as a free lunch

Small potato

Have egg on your face

Walk on eggs shelfs

Life is a bowl of cherries


eat one's heart out

Eat humble pie

Whole enchiladas/pizza/chilaquiles

Not worth a hill of beans and corn

Meat and potatoes

In a nuts

Spill the beans

Like two peas in a pod

Be embarrassed

Gloss over bad information

when something bad has happened to say that someone must accept things the way they are

a share of something


to admit that you were wrong

In summary

Can’t get something for nothing

Differences give life interest

to be jealous

Not valuable

Be cautious

Basics, simple food

live luxuriously

entire thing

Unfamiliar or ignorant

Tell a secret

Very similar

Life is good