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  • 1. To say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind
    S U A E C C
    2. You are not free or available to do something
    Y S B U
    3. The result of something
    C E T F E F
    4. To forgive someone or something
    C E X E U S
    5. Used to mean that something is very likely, without much doubt
    B B Y R P L O A
    6. To cause a change in someone or something. To influence someone or something
    F C E A T F
    7. Past simple of catch
    G H T U A C
    8. To cause someone to feel nervous, worried, or uncomfortable
    A A E R S S M B R
    9. A building, room, or organization that has a collection of books.
    Y R R B I A L
    10. Possessive, of or belonging to them
    H T I R E
    11. Very attractive
    U F U T L B A I E
    12. Not the same
    R T E E N D F I F
    13. Used to emphasize that something is more important. I like the ice creams; _________the strawberry ice cream.
    L P I A E C S Y E L
    14. Consisting of 60 seconds.
    N M E I U T
    15. Location, place
    E E R H T
    16. Past simple and past participle of buy.
    T G H O B U
    17. Past participle of do
    O D E N
    18. preposition, not including
    T E P X C E
    19. To agree to take/make something
    T A E C C P
    20. Short form of they are, contraction
    ´ E T R Y E H