Core workforce
Peripheral workforce
Employee turnover
Employee retention
Person specification
Workforce planning
Labour market
Permanent staff who perform vital roles in the organisation
Having the right number of staff, at the right time, with the skills and abilities necessary for the organisation to meet its aims and objectives.
The market demand for labour is measured by the number of people in work (employment), how much they work (hours) plus the number of unfilled job vacancies. Supply is measured by employment plus the number of people who are looking for work (unemployment).
The percentage of employees that leave the business in a set period of time
Deciding which applicants go forward to the next stage.
Job title Job summary Responsibilities and duties Qualifications and skills Salary and benefits
Agency, temporary or fixed term staff taken on to perform extra roles in the organisation
The organisation is able to keep staff and prevent them from seeking other jobs
Attainments Qualifications, experience, positions held Soft skills relevant to the position Relationship building, public speaking, time management, problem solving Job-specific capabilities Use of different software or programmes, team management Personality traits Proactive, patient, motivated, attention to detail Physical attributes (justified in order to complete the tasks in a role) Height Eyesight