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Daniel : You seem a bit ____________________ . Everything OK ?

Stephanie : Urgh ? I have ____________________ much work !

D : You always say that .

S : Yes , but I ? m really ____________________ a lot of pressure right now . I feel ____________________ all the time , and I have no time for ____________________ .

D : That doesn ? t ____________________ healthy . You can ? t just work all day every day . You ? ll burn ____________________ eventually .

S : I know , but what can I do ? Every week there are ____________________ , calls , meetings , problems ? It never ____________________ .

D : I don ? t know , but I think work - life ____________________ is really important . Since I moved companies two years ago , I ____________________ a lot less money , but I ? m much ____________________ . I don ? t ____________________ it . You only get ____________________ life ; you can ? t spend it all in the office .

S : You think I need to ____________________ jobs ?

D : I don ? t know , but I think you need to have time and ____________________ for your ____________________ life . ____________________ , it ? s difficult to ____________________ good about life .