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Daniel : I ? m hungry . Shall we ____________________ ? Pizza ?

Stephanie : No , not for me . I ? m on a ____________________ .

D : Really ? How ____________________ ?

S : I ? ve just been eating really badly ____________________ . I ? m not trying to ____________________ weight ; I just want to eat more ____________________ . It ? s nothing ____________________ ; I ? m just trying to stay ____________________ junk food , fried food , get my five a ____________________ , and so on .

D : Yeah , I should ____________________ think about that , too . I eat a lot of ____________________ and ____________________ food , and I definitely don ? t eat enough fruit and vegetables . I ____________________ it ? s good for me . I can never ____________________ to a diet , though .

S : I know what you mean . I think it ? s better to make small ____________________ . That way , you don ? t have to think about it too much .

D : True , but I have such a sweet ____________________ . I find it really hard to ____________________ anything sweet : cakes , chocolate , biscuits ? If someone offers something like that to me , I can ? t say ____________________ .

S : Another ____________________ that someone told me which works well : plan your meals in ____________________ . It works for me , at ____________________ .

D : That ? s a good ____________________ .