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Were you born ____________________ 1978 , Mr . Hughes ?
I'm busy ____________________ the moment . Could you give me a call back later ?
We would love to travel ____________________ September 12 .
What time are we departing ____________________ the 20th ?
You're departing ____________________ 5 : 00 pm from Sydney , Ms . Gibson .
Just confirming , we're departing ____________________ 3 weeks , correct ?
Are there any itineraries departing ____________________ the morning ?
I'm excited ! We're celebrating our anniversary ____________________ the third night on board .
My husband wants to sail ____________________ Winter , but I prefer the Summer sun .
Are there any itineraries departing ____________________ about 9 weeks , maybe ____________________ April 23 , ____________________ around 4 : 00 or 5 : 00 pm ?