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Once upon a time , there were three best friends 1 . LUIS , 2 ) ____________________ , and 3 ) ____________________ . Each was very good at something . INDIA was 4 ) ____________________ ____________________ , LUIS was 5 ) ____________________ ____________________ and JAIRO was 6 ) ____________________ ____________________ . Then one day , a 7 ) ____________________ girl named 8 ) ____________________ arrived . She was 9 ) ____________________ ____________________ girl in the world . The three friends decided they each wanted to be her best friend , so they had a competition to see who was 10 ) ____________________ ____________________ . INDIA was 11 ) ____________________ ____________________ LUIS but was 12 ) ____________________ than Jairo . They then had another contest to see who was 13 ) ____________________ ____________________ . This time Luis was 14 ) ____________________ ____________________ Jairo , India was 15 ) ____________________ but Jairo was the ____________________ ____________________ .