Circulatory (Cardiovascular)
Muscular system
Skeletal system
organ system
Digestive system
nervous tissue
Immune (Lymphatic)
Integumentary system
Excretory/Urinary System
Body system
Nervous system
connective tissue
Respiratory system
epithelial tissue
The lowest level of organization in the body
a type of tissue that produces movement
the system that produces reproductive cells (sperm and egg), protects the developing embryo, and includes the testes, penis, ovaries, uterus, and vagina
the system that provides oxygen for cellular respiration, removes carbond dioxide from the body, and includes the lungs, trachea, and nose
the system that eliminates liquid nitrogeneous wastes from the body, and includes the kidneys, bladder, and urethra
the system that brings oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, removes cell wastes, and includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood
the system that protects the body from disease, and includes the white blood cells (WBCs), thymus gland, spleen, and lymph nodes
the system that forms a barrier against infection, regulates body temperature, and includes skin, hair, and nails
Connects bone to bone
group of organs that work together to perform a specific function
the nervous system coordinates all the bodilly responses, maintains homeostasis, and is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and body nerves
A body tissue that covers the surfaces of the body, inside and out
supports, protects, & binds other tissues
the system that converts food into simpler molecules for cells to use, eliminates solid waste, and includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines
the system that produces voluntary movement, moves food through the digestive system, and includes the skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscle
A collection of similar cells that perform a particular function.
A body structure that is composed of different kinds of tissues that work together.
a type of connective tissue that connects muscle to bone
the system that supports the body and protects internal organs, and is composed of the bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons
the system that controls growth, development, and metabolism, maintains homeostasis, and includes the glands, pancreas, ovaries, and testes
tissue composed of neurons (nerve cells), that carry nerve impulses throughout the body
a system composed of organs that serves a function
A connective tissue that is more flexible than bone and that protects the ends of bones and keeps them from rubbing together.