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Hi , I ____________________ Ana .
Hi , Ana . My name ____________________ Ron . Nice to meet you .
It ____________________ nice to meet you , too .
I ____________________ in Ms . Cook's class .
She ____________________ my theacher , too . You ____________________ in my class .
Great . I think we ____________________ in Room 9 .
Excuse me . I ____________________ lost . My teacher ____________________ Mr . Martine z
Mr . Martinez ? He ____________________ in Room 10 .
Room 10 ____________________ over there . On the right .
You ____________________ welcome .
Ron , this is my friend Cathy . We ____________________ friends from high school .
Hi , Cathy .
Hi , Ron .
Cathy ____________________ on the basketball team . She ____________________ a great player .
Really ? I ____________________ a big basketball fan .
Well , come to our next game . It ____________________ on Friday .