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1. invented mobile know who the you Do phone?
mobile invented Do who know you phone the?
2. if John’s the coming to you me Can tell meeting?
tell coming if you me to Can meeting the John´s?
3. good you I whether bookshop. a can recommend wonder
good you recommend bookshop wonder I a can whether
4. score you the long interview Have how any take? will idea
idea will the take any you interview Have how long?
5. get can we bus We'd timetable. know a where to like
a We´d like we know where to get can timetable bus.
6. doing Can what later you’re ask this evening? I
you´re doing this evening I Can ask what later?
7. whether you while out? any phone me I were calls there Could was tell
any phone while out me I calls were tell Could whether there was you
8. Would mind me how business? travel telling abroad you often on you
you Would you mind telling business abroad me on how often travel