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____________________ is a young boy who lives in ____________________ . He lives with his grandma , grandpa , mom and dad . Herman ____________________ hard every day . He studies math , ____________________ , English and Chinese . His family is very ____________________ of him because he studies hard and enjoys lots of success . When Herman gets ____________________ , he might become a doctor , or a lawyer , or a teacher , or an ____________________ . Herman can choose to be whatever he wants because he is building a strong ____________________ now .

In his ____________________ time , Herman like to play golf , go ____________________ , do yoga , and play chess with his mom . Herman also helps his ____________________ around the house . He always keeps his desk need and his room tidy . This makes grandma and mom very ____________________ .

On the ____________________ , Herman like to watch a ____________________ TV . When COVID goes away , Herman will enjoy ____________________ outside and seeing his ____________________ at the playground . He will also enjoy going shopping for groceries at the ____________________ .

Herman is a ____________________ boy who will grow up to be a ____________________ man .