IM (undilute deep), IV (dilute & avoid intra-arterial), Do not exceed 1mg/min or 0.05mg/kg over 2-5 minutes, oral w/o regard to meals.
IV: Infuse over 1 hour (2mg/ml infusion) Infuse over 3 hours (1mg/ml infusion) PO: w/o regard to meals
IV Injection: Push over 1-2 minutes PO: May be administered w or w/o food, chew tab can be taken w/ or w/o water.
IV: diluted 60-90mins, Oral: w/o regard to meals.
IV: 4mg/mL may be administered over 2 minutes, 7mL/min for 15-minute infusion. PO: Tab 30-60mins before a meal, delayed release suspension only administered in applesauce/apple juice 30mins before a meal w/ no other fluid.
IV infusion over 15 minutes, PO: w/o regard to meals.
Dilute and give slow IV push over 2-5 minutes or admin. SubQ,
IV slow infusion to avoid HypoTN. 250-500mg for 60 minutes, 750mg over 90 minutes. PO: Tablets w/o regard to meals, Suspension should be given 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. 2hrs before/after antacids.
Parenteral: undiluted direct IV injections 20-40mg per minute. For high doses (e.g. >160mg) consider a short-term infusion at max rate of 4mg/minute to avoid ototoxicity. Oral routes, w/o regard to meals.