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Social Constructionism

Social Roles

Organic Solidarity

Social interaction


Social structure

Achieved status


Ascribed status

Role Conflict

Mechanical Solidarity

Role Strain

This is usually assigned to a person at birth by society at large and generally it can't be changed, such as race or heritage

Social cohesion is based on mutual interdependence in the context of extreme division of labor.

close-knit, often rural environment in which strong personal bonds unite members

People create society through their actions, and then become products of the social norms and values that they created

a set of expected behaviors for people who occupy a given social status

the social positions we occupy relative to others. In other words, our status is a product of our social interactions

a reciprocal exchange in which two or more people read, react, and respond to each other

urban, large, impersonal cities where people demonstrate little commitment to the group or consensus on values

the situation that occurs when incompatible expectations arise from two or more social statuses held by the same person

earned through our actions, whether positive or negative, so it's a social position that is within our power to change

the difficulty that arises when the same social status imposes conflicting demands and expectations

Societies in which social cohesion is based on shared experiences, knowledge, and skills in which things function more or less the way they always have; society runs like a well-oiled machine.

the underlying framework of society consisting of the positions people occupy and the relationships between them