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Ordered Pair: a pair of numbers, (x, y), that describes the location of a point in the coordinate plane. The x-coordinate gives the point’s horizontal distance from the y-axis, and the y-coordinate gives the point’s vertical distance from the x-axis.

x-axis: the horizontal number line in the coordinate plane.

x-coordinate: the first number in an ordered pair. It tells the point’s horizontal distance from the y-axis.

y-axis: the vertical number line in the coordinate plane.

graph (verb)

y-coordinate: the second number in an ordered pair. It tells the point’s vertical distance from the x-axis.

Coordinate Plane: a two-dimensional space formed by two perpendicular number lines called axes.

graph (noun)

Equivalent Ratios: two ratios that express the same comparison. Multiplying both numbers in the ratio a : b by a nonzero number n results in the equivalent ratio na : nb.

a diagram that shows data or relationships between values or quantities.

6 : 8 is equivalent to 3 : 4

to show something with a graph.