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The students ____________________ ____________________ a flight to London . ( to book )
My friends ____________________ ____________________ the geography test . ( to pass )
The teacher ____________________ ____________________ the keys , so he can't open the door . ( to lose )
The cat ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ a mouse . ( just / to catch )
I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the rabbits . ( just / to feed )
John ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ on a trip through Alaska . ( never / to go )
I ____________________ ____________________ a new laptop . ( to buy )
The students ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ their homework so far . ( not / to forget )
Emma ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ this film on TV . ( never / to see )
How often ____________________ she ____________________ the office this morning ? ( to phone )