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Potassium Chloride



Alendronate Sodium



Major cation of intracellular fluid, essential for the conduction of nerve impulses in heart, brain, and skeletal muscle; contraction of cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscles; maintenance of normal renal function, acid-base balance, carbohydrate metabolism, and gastric secretion.

Involved in normal metabolism, growth, and development; promotes gluconeogenesis, increases utilization and mobilization of glycogen stores, and stimulates protein synthesis, increases basal metabolic rate.

Decreases inflammation by suppression of migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reversal of increased capillary permeability; suppresses the immune system by reducing activity and volume of the lymphatic system; suppresses adrenal function at high doses. Antitumor effects may be related to inhibition of glucose transport, phosphorylation, or induction of cell death in immature lymphocytes. Antiemetic effects are thought to occur due to blockade of cerebral innervation of the emetic center via inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis.

Inhibits bone resorption via actions on osteoclasts or precursors; decreases the rate of bone resorption, leading to increase in bone mineral density and normal architecture of bone in Paget's D/e.

Enhances the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA via selective agonism at the benzodiazepine-1 (BZ1) receptor; resulting in Cl conductance, neuronal hyperpolarization, inhibition of the action potential, and a decrease in neuronal excitability leading to sedative and hypnotic effects.

Reduces tonic somatic motor activity influencing both alpha and gamma motor neurons.