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SPRUCE & MISTLETOE The Mistletoe plant takes water and nutrients from the spruce tree as it grows in up through the tree branches.

HONEY GUIDE BIRD & BADGER Honey Guide birds show the badgers where the beehives are. The badgers rip open the hives and eat the delicious honey. Afterwards, the Honey Guide birds eat.

TICKS & DEER Ticks hook onto deer and drink their blood.

ANTS & SILVERFISH Silverfish bugs live and hunt with army ants. They share the prey.

SNAIL & HERMIT CRAB Hermit crabs live in snail shells that the snails have left behind.

BISON & COWBIRD A bison walks through the grass, making bugs fly up in the air. The cowbird follows the bison and eats the bugs.

FLEA & MOUSE A flea hooks onto a mouse and drinks the mouse’s blood.

YUCCA FLOWER & YUCCA MOTH Yucca flowers are pollinate by yucca moths. The moths lay their eggs in the flowers and the eggs hatch. The larvae eat some of the seeds and spread them around.

STORK & BEE The stork uses its sharp beak to cut up the dead animals it eats. Afterwards, bees come along and lay their eggs in the dead meat so they can hatch.

REMORAS & SHARK A remora fish attaches itself to a shark so it can eat the scraps of food left by the shark. It does not harm the shark when it attaches.

GAZELLE & OSTRICH Ostriches and gazelles eat next to each other. They both watch for danger.

BARNACLES & WHALES Barnacles attach themselves to whales so they can get a free meal, by eating small animals in the water, as the whale swims around the ocean.

OXPECKER & RHINOCEROS The Oxpecker bird gets a free meal when it eats the Ticks that drink the Rhinoceros' blood.

CUCKOO & WARBLER A cuckoo bird will kill the Warbler bird's eggs and lay its’ own eggs in the warbler’s nest. The Warbler will then take care of the cuckoo eggs.

WRASSE & BASS A wrasse fish gets a free dinner by eating the blood-sucking bugs that are on the bass fish's body.