Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
She : Hi . ____________________ ____________________ you like ?
He : I ____________________ like a coffee , please !
She : No ____________________ . Will you have it here to go ?
He : Could I have it ____________________ ____________________ ?
She : Ok . What kind of coffee ____________________ ____________________ like ?
He : Dark roast , ____________________ !
She : and what size ____________________ you ____________________ ?
He : ____________________ ____________________ have a medium ?
She : Sure . ____________________ ____________________ like sugar and cream ?
He : Yes , please !
She : Here you go . ____________________ you ____________________ anything else ?
He : No , thanks !
She : That will be four dollars .
He : Great , thank you !
She : You're welcome . Have a nice day !