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1. How do relational databases store data ?
on Relational related multiple store data tables database
2. What are tables in a spreadsheet?
are columns tables applications In and rows horizontal vertical spreadsheet
3. What terms are used for database tables?
tables records fields have and Database
4. Why are rows called records in a database?
called belongs all records a the information because row on Rows together are
5. Why are columns called fields in a database?
each are called because kind the information field same of has fields Columns.
6. What is the purpose of the primary key field?
primary to each The field the identifier give unique a of record is purpose
7. Why would you use an employee ID# as a primary key rather than the employee name?
each unique same two employees Even the have ID, name Employee may is though.
8. What is a foreign key?
table of another in the that the to field primary database A field key a looks table in similar relational
9. How does a relational database create relationships?
a field key the number in By foreign number the key a correspond field primary having in to
10. What is an example of a one-to-many relationship in the relational database pictured?
can each belong person though each one Even phone number can, numbers phone many person to only have.