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Jouer Compléter
w : Hello
m : Hello , ____________________ I help you ?
w : Yes , please . I ____________________ like a loaf of white bread , a dozen ____________________ and ____________________ .
m : Sure . How much ____________________ ____________________ you like ?
w : ____________________ like two cartons of milk .
m : Ok . Anything else ?
w : Yes , a small bag of ____________________ and a bottle of ____________________ .
m : What kind of oil ____________________ you like ?
w : A small bottle of ____________________ oil please .
m : Here you are . Will that be all ?
w : Yes , that's all . How much is it ?
m : That's 23 dollars .
w : Here you are .
m : And here is your ____________________ .
w : ____________________ you please give me a bag ?
m : Yes , of course . Here it is . Have a nice day .
w : Thank you . Good - bye !
m : Good - bye !