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1. Greek Gods
2. Roman Gods

Aphrodite: Goddess of Love

Ceres: Goddess of the Harvest

Hades: God of the Underworld

Minerva: Goddess of Wisdom

Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt

Mercury: Messenger of the Gods

Hera: Goddess of Marriage

Diana: Goddess of the Hunt

Juno: Goddess of Marriage

Persephone: Goddess of the Underworld

Poseidon: God of the Sea

Neptune: God of the Sea

Venus: Goddess of Love

Proserpine: Goddess of the Underworld

Hermes: Messenger of the Gods

Demeter: Goddess of the Harvest

Zeus: King of the Gods

Jupiter: King of the Gods

Athena: Goddess of Wisdom

Pluto: God of the Underworld