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1. I love apples. What about your mom?
she DDoes Dapples Dlike? D
2. Does your friend like sunny days?
She, Y Ysunny YYes. Y Ydays Yshe Ydoes Ylikes. Y
3. I have two pets. What about you?
Do Dyou Dhave Da Dpet? D
4. My little sister loves broccolli. What about your dad?
broccoli DDoes Dyour Dlike Ddad? D
5. You play soccer very well! What about your friends?
friends Dyour Dplay DDo Dsoccer? D
6. Mary loves pink and orange. What about you?
do Wlike Wcolors WWhat Wyou? W
7. Does your grandmother like videogames?
video Mgrandmother MMy Mgames Mlike Mdoesn't. M
8. What kinds of fruit do you like?
I Iall Ifruit Iof Ilove Itypes. I
9. Do you speak German?
German Ispeak II Idon't. I
10. What vegetable do you hate?
I Ilove Ihate Iany Ivegetables! I Ithem II Idon't. I