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Rescue Worker : Hello in there ! How're you doing ?
Mr . Claustrophobia : Could be better ! Hey , I'm sure glad to see you .
Mrs . Calm : So am I . what's your name ?
Rescue Worker : I'm Bill . And the good news is that about ten people are working hard to locate the problem and get you out of this elevator .
Mr . Claustrophobia : you mean we can't get out yet ? I can't stand being ____________________ ____________________ in here . I'm starting to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
Rescue Worker : I know . Just ____________________ ____________________ . And be patient for another few minutes , and I'm sure we'll be able to get this thing moving again .
Mr . Claustrophobia : But I am ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . you've got to get me out of here !
Mrs . Calm : now , Mr . Claustrophobia . You'll be just fine . Try to relax . Bill will help us .
Mr . Claustrophobia : you are right , Mrs . Calm . I'm sorry . You know , Bill I'm lucky I got stuck in this elevator with Mrs . Calm because she's been a big help . She's been ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , trying to get me to calm down . All through this she has ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . . The truth is that she's absolutely great . Mrs . Calm , will you have dinner with me tonight if we ever get out of this elevator .
Mrs . Calm : why , Mr . Claustrophobia it would be a pleasure . See , I told you that we'd ____________________ ____________________ this just fine .