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Oh , my nightmare was terrible ! At first , I was in a big classroom with around a thousand people . The professor wrote the homework assignment on the board ? read five hundred pages in two days . He also gave us three lab reports to write and announced a big test . He just wouldn't ____________________ ____________________ . but the other students looked happy . I was the only one who seemed worried about how to ____________________ ____________________ the work .
Then I remember I was in the library . I was trying to read all those pages . I was reading , but I couldn't remember anything , so I started to panic . Then , all of a sudden , my professor was sitting next to me . He asked me the strangest question : ? what are you doing ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ? ? I looked at him like he was crazy and told him that I was trying to do the work that he has assigned , and that I was upset because I couldn't remember anything I was reading . Then he asked me why I cared so much , and I told him that my grade was ____________________ ____________________ . I needed an ? A ? in the class . When he heard this , he smiled and said . ? ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . you'll never get an ? A' ! ?
Then he told me to close the book . He wanted to tell me what it was like when he was a student . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ he studied . And studied . But he never ____________________ , and he never ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . he told me that I want to too many movies and parties . I told him that he was ____________________ ____________________ . I was a good student , but I was tired . He then asked me what the problem was ? that he had assigned only fifty pages to read .
That's when I woke up . What a relief to realize it was just a dream ! But it seemed so real . I guess it shows that I'm under a lot of pressure these days .