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Charlie : what time is it ?
Alan : You don't want to know ? it's 4 : 20 .
Charlie : I'm so tired . I need to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and then I'll study again .
Alan : no you don't . just get another cup of coffee .
Charlie : I don't want any more coffee . I just want my bed . I can't ____________________ ____________________ all night .
Alan : well , if you can't ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ then you need to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ every night . Can you do that ?
Charlie : I can try . It's better than having no sleep .
Alan : OK then . Good - night . But you told me your paper is due at 10 : 00 . Are you going to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ late ?
Charlie : probably . I'll tell the teacher I was sick .
Alan : that's not very honest . What will happen if you ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ late ?
Charlie : well' I'll probably ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ I already missed a test and my teacher's not happy about that . I'm not ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ that class .
Alan : you're too busy . It's hard working full - time and going to school .
Charlie : ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ! Well , good night my friend .
Alan : good night . Sleep well . And I hope you won't be sorry tomorrow !