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Brother : now I can thank you . You know I love to ____________________ ____________________ And this is a great birthday present .
Sister : well , I'm just glad to ____________________ you and have time to sit and talk with you . Life these days is so busy ?
Waiter : Hi !
Sister : I'm sorry . We need a few more minutes .
Waiter : no problem . I'll come back .
Brother : so , what are you going to have ?
Sister : I don't know , but I want you to order ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Brother : I have to tell you , I ____________________ ____________________
Sister : that's OK it's your birthday and you have anything . Humm ? I think ____________________ ____________________ the fish special . It sounds really good .
Brother : you know , I think ____________________ ____________________ the same thing .
Sister : where's the waiter ? ? Oh , there he is ? Excuse me . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Waiter : ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ?
Sister : I'll have the fish special .
Waiter : with soup or salad ?
Sister : Salad . With oil and vinegar on the side . Please .
Waiter : and how about you ?
Brother : ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
Waiter : OK . That's two fish specials and two salads with oil and vinegar on the side . will that be all ?
Sister : yes , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . thanks .