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1. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
is Dhappy Dnot DDavid. D
2. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
feeling Inot Iwell Iam II. I
3. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
Spanish Ayou Anot AAre? A
4. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
at Mhome Mbrother MMy MI Mare Mnot Mand. M
5. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
Mark PPeter Pbrothers Pare Pand. P
6. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
The Ton Tcat Tis Tthe Ttable. T
7. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
a Inice IIt Iis Iday Ivery. I
8. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
13 Iam II Iold Iyears. I
9. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
14 Iam II Inot. I
10. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
8 Iis IIt Io'clock. I
11. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
We Ware Wfriends Wgood. W
12. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
are Tmy Tcousins TThey. T
13. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
hungry Ayou AAre? A
14. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
sad Iam II Inot. I
15. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
Is Iyour Ihe Ifriend? I
16. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
dresses Athese AAre Anew? A
17. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
I Iam Istudent Ia. I
18. Put the words in order to form the correct sentences.
I Iam Ia Iteacher Inot. I