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1. What is a network?
each they can group a systems network interconnected of computer share are A other is information with so that
2. What four things are required to create a network?
network A, interfaces and, media protocols network network computer
3. What are network protocols?
computers a follow send data network are receive and to that Protocols on rules must.
4. What does LAN stand for?
Area Network Local
5. What does WAN stand for?
Network Wide Area
6. What is a LAN?
group that in physically computers A the usually of same, together close building are connected
7. What is a WAN?
large of LANs geographical location a Networks across interconnected
8. Who can access a private network?
the inside computers can A network private only network accessed by be
9. Who can access a WAN?
anybody can accessed by Public be freely networks
10. What is the most important public network?
The a interconnected huge system important the of, public network worldwide called networks most is Internet.