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1 . $50 for two medium - size beers seems a little ____________________ , even for this high - end restaurant .
2 . Since the pandemic started he's put on weight and he's an extra - ____________________ in jumpers .
3 . Would it be too ____________________ to buy both of those delicious cakes ?
4 . All this may sound a bit far - ____________________ , but companies are already developing ? intelligent ? homes .
5 . She loves ____________________ like chocolate from famous chocolatiers and perfumes from expensive department stores .
6 . The DVDs were vastly ____________________ considering the outdated technology they are .
7 . Ben was a ____________________ brat , thinking he deserves everything in the world .
8 . They went on a spending ____________________ after winning a lotery .
9 . The ____________________ interior of the building with gold dripping light fixtures and festive holiday music made me feel like a princess .
10 . My mom looked gorgeous in her new ____________________ sunglasses and an elegant black dress .