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1. Order the sentence
early Tof Tdoctrine Tliberalism Tduring Tthe Tof TThe TRevolution Tspread Tnew Tthe Twidely TIndustrial Teconomic Tstages
2. Order the sentence
should Aeconomic Aactivity, A AAccording Ato Aeconomic Afreedom Aof Athe ASmith Abe Aprinciple Aby Agoverned
3. Order the sentence
the Snaturally Sthat Sadjusts Sas Sthe Sintervene Sstate Sin Sitself SSmith, S Sshould Seconomy Sargued Snot Seconomy Sthe S
4. Order the sentence
salaries Tby Tare Tregulated Tway T Tsupply Tof Tprices Tand Tand Tdemand Tlaw Tthe TThe. T