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* You feel ____________________ about something if you not only like it , you can't live without it .

* When you have done something you know you shouldn't have or just something embarrassing , you feel ____________________ .

* If you're ____________________ , it means you're fragile , sensitive or gentle ; you are given to sympathy or sentimentality .

* When people are ____________________ , they are sad and lack energy ; they are filled with melancholy and down in spirit or value .

* If you are ____________________ about something , you can't think clearly or act intelligently ; you are perplexed by many conflicting situations .

* When you're ____________________ , you are feeling about to vomit . Riding on a roller coaster three times in a row could make you feel this way .

* When you have to perform in front of a crowd or you are interviewed for a job , it makes you feel ____________________ .

* When you are waiting eagerly for something you know is going to happen you feel ____________________ .

* If you are pleasantly occupied or entertained , you are ____________________ .

* A ____________________ person draws your attention away from whatever you're doing ; this attractive person has a fascinating magnetism that tempts you in some way .

* Those who are ____________________ often worry that things will go wrong ; they are easily frightened and shy .

* When you feel furious , mad or enraged , you are ____________________ .